Hey There
Is Pretty your cup of tea? Give us a thorough test run for 7 days. A one off $45 ($30 for children) fee will enable you to attend as many Level 1 classes as you like to try out all our classes, get a hang of the way we do things and see if you Pretty is the gym for you!
Our Classes Are In Levels
Ever attended a gym, not known what you're doing, felt silly and wanted to run away... Yep, us too. That's why Pretty is different! Our classes are in levels... We call it "The Pretty Process".
Everyone starts at Level 1 (aka beginners). From there you can progress into Level 2 after 4 weeks or you can chill in Level 1 for as long as you like!
For all new students we ask that you purchase a 7 day pass. From here you can test out Muay Thai, boxing, Brazilian jiu jitsu and Wrestling! After that we can find a membership or class pass that suits you.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer free trials?
We have in the past but we currently are not. We only offer 7 day paid trials. We feel its best for people to trial more than one class before making a decision. It also gives us an opportunity to see if you're a good fit for us! And lets us see if more experienced people can be moved into Level 2 early.
What classes are included in the 7 day trial?
All of our Level 1 classes and all our old junior classes. You can try out Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling and BJJ. The schedule is above.
How many levels are there?
Currently we have 6 levels. From beginners to professional fighter.