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Discover the Benefits of Boxing Classes for Kids at Our Cairns Boxing Club

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Are you considering enrolling your child in a boxing club?

Look no further!

Our Cairns CBD boxing club offers exciting and engaging boxing classes tailored specifically for children aged 6 to 13 years. In this blog post, we'll explore the unique features of our kid's boxing program and why it's an excellent choice for young aspiring boxers. Join us as we delve into the details of our classes and invite you to book a free trial session for your child at our Cairns CBD location.

Boxing Classes for Kids at Our Cairns CBD Boxing Club:

At our Cairns CBD boxing club, we are passionate about introducing children to the world of boxing in a safe and enjoyable environment. Our classes are held every Monday and Wednesday from 4:15 PM to 5:00 PM, offering a convenient schedule for young participants and their families.

Engaging Warm-Up and Fun-filled Activities:

Each boxing class begins with a dynamic warm-up session, designed to prepare the young athletes for the activities ahead. Our students particularly enjoy the lively warm-up game called "shoulder tiggy," which helps them get energized and excited for the class.

Unique Games-Based Learning Approach:

We take pride in our unique games-based learning approach, which sets our boxing classes apart from traditional training methods. Through a series of carefully crafted games, we ensure that children remain engaged, enthusiastic, and motivated throughout their training. This innovative approach not only makes learning enjoyable but also enhances their ability to absorb new techniques and skills.

Developing Essential Skills:

Our games-based approach serves a dual purpose: keeping children entertained while teaching them important boxing fundamentals. During the main part of the class, students learn coordination, proper stance, defensive techniques, and striking skills. These games are thoughtfully designed by Coach Paul, who has a wealth of experience in coaching young boxers. By combining fun and learning, we have witnessed tremendous success in helping children progress quickly and effectively.

Book a Free Trial Class for Your Child:

Curious to see how our boxing classes can benefit your child? We invite you to book a free trial class at our Cairns CBD location. This trial session allows your child to experience the excitement of our boxing program firsthand, meet our dedicated instructors, and get a sense of the positive and supportive atmosphere we cultivate at our club. To book a free trial class, simply visit and secure a spot for your child.

Enrolling your child in boxing classes can offer numerous benefits, including improved physical fitness, enhanced coordination, self-discipline, and self-confidence. At our Cairns CBD boxing club, we go beyond traditional training methods, providing a unique games-based learning approach that engages children and helps them develop essential boxing skills. Don't miss out on the opportunity to introduce your child to the world of boxing in a fun and supportive environment. Book a free trial class today at our Cairns CBD location and give your child the chance to discover the joys of boxing!

Kids Boxing Cairns

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